Saturday, April 01, 2006

All systems are a go........just waiting for my Surgery date

Happy Weekend Everyone!
Wanted to fill you in on my latest news's!!!!
I had both my Dietary Assessment and my Psychological Testing in the last two day's and I was given the "green light" as it were to have the Surgery.I basically knew what was to be expected from the Dietitian who really laid out strict guidelines for me to follow.I will use it like the(pardon the expression)the Bible.As for my Psychologist,a Dr Jeffrey Wilbert,I of coarse was a bit apprehensive at first.We chatted for a while then he gave me a series of tests that really tested my brain.Then he was nice enough to let me know of the results in a rather short amount of time after I completed.He told me that under the circumstances with all the complications I have with my feet......unable to exercise at this time and of coarse other medical issues related to my weight,there is no other recourse but the Surgery.
He also suggested that I continue seeing him on a more regular basis since I have issues that were never addressed
properly.I am in it for the long haul from here everybody.It will be a somewhat of a "rebirth"for me.Like an infant learning how to eat.I was told to start some of the "behavioral" changes now to ease into the new lifestyle better.I thank you all ahead of time for the love and for the  support that I need so much from all of you.It's so hard for me to even imagine what this will really be like since I have never been through something like this before.All I know is that ever since I can remember........and if you really know me and my memory,that's a very long time,I have dreamt of this for so long.I get so emotional about it.I will now have the rest of my life........a very long one at that to live love and laugh with the love of my life girls....Dinki and wonderful Family and friends to enjoy it with.You are all so dear to me.
Big Hugs
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Christopher Walken for President in 2008!!

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