Friday, January 06, 2006

It was so fun the first time,I wanna do it again!! NOT!

Happy Friday to one and all!!
Well in regards to the subject line I must explain myself.
In 2004-2005, I personally experienced some discomfort in my left foot that as many of you know it eventually led to surgery to correct the problem of a heel spur and Plantar Fasciitis.I have been having alot of pain reminiscent as before in my left foot now in my right foot.I did go several weeks before to a podiatrist and he had me do some stretching exercises,gave me a piece of dense cotton and told me to wear this with my shoes.But to no improvement I called this Podiatrist once again to find that he was out of the office till January 12th!!!!
So I decided to call another Doctor.I was able to be seen on the 5th<yesterday>at 8:30am<thank the lord!>He asked me what problems I have been experiencing and of coarse I told him.I also mentioned I walked alot like the female version of Frankenstein first thing in the morning.He laughed and soon got me into x-ray to see what the damage was.He definitely discovered a "wallop" of a spur and severe Plantar Fasciitis.He suggested a shot of cortisone and 4 days of therapy in a whirlpool bath to remedy it.I was scheduled for work yesterday but the Doctor suggested I stay off my foot and allow the cortisone to take effect.Often times this type of shot depending where can have a "flare-up" if walked on too soon and be quite painful.Well, it's the morning after and I feel a tremendous relief from the pain.I will continue this kind of Surgery Evasive treatment till he deems it necessary to go in and remove the spur when treatment is no longer effective.I think I will look into some AFLAC insurance just in case this turns into another financially ugly situation like the first one did.Anyway, I am off today as well as tomorrow and Bill is working,so it's Dinki, Citi and Mommy at home.I can definitely tell they are very happy me being home with them.I have not been able to spend this kind of time with them since way before Christmas and they were starting to feel a bit neglected:-(...Dinki for one is going through a very tough adjustment period in being home alone without her Mom and Dad being with her during the day.I know that separation disorder is a factor and one big problem in that is insecurity.I will be working with her more and making sure this does not become a lifelong problem.Bill and I enjoy Cesar Millans program"The Dog Whisperer".He amazes us so in his handling of the many dogs he "reforms"including "reforming" of the owners to make them better understand their Dog first,and to understand the reasons "WHY" he or she has destroyed your favorite shoe as an example.
I hope you all had a Happy New Year,
It was about a year ago Bill and I saw you all,A very happy memory for myself as well as my Husband to have experienced what a "Family" really is all about.I stood so proud to see him enjoy interacting with my loving family and even benefiting from the "exhilarating ambiance" that all the Children contributed to.
I must close for now,hope to hear from you all,
Much Love and Hugs,

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