Friday, March 03, 2006

Don't Give Me Any Lip!

Hi Family!!

Wanna hear the latest "skuttlebutt."??Bill had to take me to the Emergency Dept of Green Memorial Hospital this past Sunday night because my Dinki bit my lower lip bad enough I needed stitches. What led up to that situation was over Dinki "growling" at Bill because she was in his hair with a very closely guarded "pig ear" treat that we got for her earlier in the day. It looks like a tough piece of rawhide chew. He wanted to sit in the chair. Anyway, I was in the kitchen doing dinner dishes and heard what was going on in the other room so I stopped to investigating. I sat down close to her and wanted her to know I was the one in charge and not her!(The Dog Whisperer show with Cesar Millan taught me that:-))But instead of being the dominant leader and owner of this dog I started to treat her like a misunderstood little girl and my mothering instincts prematurely kicked in and that's when I put my face to hers.......and well you know the rest. Needless to say she has some aggressive behavior issues that we will address. From the very beginning, she has alway's been my baby,perhaps to much like a human baby. I suppose this is normal for alot of pet owners. I don't treat her different now,.I love her still the same but I know now she is a dog and the particular breed is a bit aggressive. Bill told me he knew she was going to bite me, but as always and you all know I have a bit of a stubborn streak within me and if he told me not to get close to her at that point I was going to do it anyway. I did get a tetanus shot as well while at the Hospital. Bill and I go back on Sunday to remove the stitches. Bill took a shot of me with the camera a day or two later to show you all my fancy lip. I was fortunate that I didn't have to have plastic surgery! More information to come. <3 Chris

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